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Troop 1818 Leadership Positions

Click here for leadership position descriptions and qualifications.


Earning rank in Scouts BSA

Click here to try the 30 Rank-up Challenge at home. 

The advancement program for Scouts BSA is symbolized by the earning of seven ranks.

  • Scout

  • Tenderfoot

  • Second Class

  • First Class

  • Star

  • Life

  • Eagle

The ranks and their requirements are found in the Scout Handbook. Rank requirements can include accomplishing scout skills, earning merit badges, community service, leadership and many other skills. You will be expected to prove completion these requirements to your unit leaders.


How to earn a merit badge

1) Pick a subject. Go  scroll down and pick the merit badges you think might interest you. Read over the badge requirements online, or you may purchase a book about the badge through the scout shop.

2) Ask your unit leader for a Blue Card.

How to fill out a Blue Card Link.

3) Find an MBC. Your unit leader will give you the name of a person from a list of Merit Badge Counselors. These individuals have special knowledge in their merit badge subjects and are interested in helping you.

4) Call the Merit Badge Counselor. Get in touch with the merit badge counselor and explain that you want to earn the badge. 

5) Scout Buddy System. You must have another person with you at each meeting with the merit badge counselor. This person can be your parent or legal guardian, or another registered adult. Or you can meet with your MBC During scheduled Troop meetings.

6) At the first meeting, you and your merit badge counselor will review and may start working on the requirements. In some cases, you may share the work you have already started or completed.

Unless otherwise specified, work on a requirement can be started at any time. 

7) Work on your badge requirements as listed.

8) Show your work. Call the counselor again to make an appointment. When you go, take along the things you have made to meet the requirements. If they are too big to move, take pictures or have an adult tell in writing what you have done. The counselor will test you on each requirement to make sure you know your stuff and have done or can do the things required.

9) Get the Badge. When the counselor is satisfied you have met each requirement, he or she will sign your application/blue card. Give the signed blue card to your unit leader so your merit badge emblem can be presented to you.


Jewish Religious Emblems

An emblem signifies the hard work a Scout goes through to learn about his or her religion and its customs. The National Jewish Committee on Scouting has developed a program of religious emblems as a unified, graduated program that teaches Judaism in age-appropriate increments. 


The two optional Jewish Emblem a scout can earn are:

Ner Tamid - For Jewish Scouts, grades 6–9

Etz Chaim - For Jewish Scouts, grades 9–12


As with the merit badge, you will need to find an adult counselor, like a rabbi, cantor or religious instructor to oversee and sign-off on your progress. 

Go to:

to download a list of requirements for these awards.







Blue Card for merit badge

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