The motto of the Scouts BSA is, "be prepared", and scouting aims to prepare young men and women for the future.
How Does Scouting Work?
Scouting is for Boys and Girls in 6th - 12th grades. The current mission of the Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts of America) is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Each Scout is a member of a Troop which is broken up into Patrols. Patrols are groups of 6-10 young people around the same age who meet a couple of weeks a month at a local community location. Patrols and Troops go on fun trips, play games, do service projects, and learn new skills.
Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps in overcoming them through the advancement method and merit badge system. The Scout plans his or her advancement, progressing at their own pace as they meet each challenge.
Trained volunteer leadership help guide the Scout, but ultimately accomplishment is the Scout's responsibility.
If your child is not in 6th grade yet, please consider joining our Jewish Cub Scout Pack for children in 1st - 5th grade. https://www.pack1818.com
What is an Eagle Scout?
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Scouts BSA program. The designation "Eagle Scout" was founded over one hundred years ago. Only four percent of Scouts are granted this rank after a lengthy review process. The requirements necessary to achieve this rank take years to fulfill. Becoming an Eagle Scout is a mark of distinction recognized by university admissions boards as well as potential employers.
How much does scouting cost?
$150 covers Troop 1818 membership dues and insurance to BSA.
Activities, merit badge clinics and supplies are usually a pay-as-you-go fee.
What kind of uniform will the Scout need?
Class A Uniform - Troop 1818 requires an official Scout shirt with appropriate patches and troop number. Although you are welcome to purchase official Scout zip-off pants, your Scout can use a pair generic olive green shorts or pants instead. If your child decides to participate in "official" BSA ceremonies, they will need official BSA socks, pants and hat. Shoes should always be closed toe and comfortable for hiking.
Class B Uniform - Troop 1818 T-shirt purchased from the Troop and comfortable pants or shorts.
Uniforms can cost anywhere from $45 -$130 depending on where you purchase them. There are online communities and eBay that often sell used uniforms for less than the local Scout Shop.
Troop 1818 will provide your Scout with epaulets when you join our Troop.
Where and when does Troop 1818 meet?
Troop 1818 attempts to meet two times a month for general meetings and once a month for an activity. Meetings usually occur on Sundays in the afternoon and early evenings at a local synagogue or the MJCCA. Activities can be anywhere from camping in the north Georgia mountains to sailing in the Florida keys. Meetings and activities are encouraged but not mandatory.
How "Jewish" is the Troop?
We like to describe ourselves as "Kosher Style." We try to serve food that is circle K or U, we try not to mix milk and meat. But, we do camp during the weekends. We try to discourage meetings on Saturdays. We tend to attract families from conservative, reform and unaffiliated Jewish communities.
Do I have to be a member of the MJCCA or a Synagogue to join?
NO. MJCCA or synagogue membership is NOT required.
Do I need to volunteer?
We find the success of your child in Scouting is directly proportional to the example their parents set. We are 100% volunteer run. We need volunteers to help run and manage the background details. From chaperoning activities, carpooling, communications and finances, we need adults.